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현재분사(Ving) & 과거분사(p.p) <분사의 모양 찾기> 문제

작성자 최현순교수님 카테고리 작성일 2015.05.31 조회수 13277

현재분사(Ving) & 과거분사(p.p) <분사의 모양 찾기> 문제 풀기

공무원영어 2080 최현순 교수님

알맞은 것을 찾으시오.


1. I saw a ( sleeping, slept ) baby in the room.


2. I saw a ( killing, killed ) dog on the road.


3. I saw him ( writing, written ) a letter.


4. I saw the house ( building, built ) in spring.


5. I want him ( to learn, learned ) English.


6. I want my book ( to finished, finished ) by him.


7. He sat ( reading, read ) a newspaper.

8. He sat ( surrounding, surrounded ) by his children.


9. The man stood ( looking, looked ) at the map.


10. The news became widely ( knowing, known ).


11. I had the man ( make, to make ) a speech.


12. I got the man ( make, to make ) a speech.

13. I had my picture ( taking, taken ).


14. I had my hair ( cutting, cut ).

15. I cannot make myself ( understanding, understood ) in English.

16. He kept me ( waiting, waited ) very long.

17. The door was kept ( closing, closed ).


18. I saw a ( exciting, excited ) man in the room.


19. I saw a ( exciting, excited ) game in Seoul Stadium.

20. I saw him ( exhausting, exhausted ).

21. Chocolate has a special chemical ( calling, called ) phenylethylamine.  


22. Astronomers today are convinced that people ( living, lived ) thousands of years ago were studying the movement of the sky.


23. A person ( wearing, worn ) one on his face looks completely different, and may also feel very different.

24. MY badly ( damaged, damaging ) car costs me a lot of money.


25. We decided to try a wonderful restaurant ( serving, served ) raw fish and other dishes.


26. Orlando, which was a quiet farming town a little more than thirty years ago, has more people ( passing, passed ) through it today than any other place in the state of Florida.

27. After two months ( spent, spending ) in a sweet seaside resort, where unoccupied men and ladies happily congregate, I returned to Paris refreshed.


28. Companies lose billions of dollars each year due to employees suffering from illness ( brought, bringing ) on by stress.


29. It would be fine if we could swallow the powder of profitable information ( made, making ) palatable by the jam of fiction.


30. Some of the animals ( found, finding ) in tombs were pets such as cats, dogs, and rabbits.


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